I am one of the „Remarkable Women in Transport“ – whoooosh!

Women actively contribute to transforming mobility towards a safer, more inclusive and sustainable future, yet their contributions frequently remain unacknowledged. The purpose of this publication is to change this. Even though transport is often seen as gender neutral, it is in fact not. Women and men have different expectations, needs and constraints for using transport. Without considering these needs, planning and projects do not adequately meet the demands of a large part of their users. To change this, the different mobility needs and requirements of women, female travel patterns as well as their safety and security concerns need to be addressed.

It is therefore imperative to focus on increasing the number of women working in the transport sector, as even in 2020, the transport sector is still a heavily male dominated field. Transport systems can only become truly inclusive and gender-responsive if the voices, perspectives and experiences of women are reflected at all levels. This publication showcases the diversity of more than 50 female change makers in transport, as visibility is key to change mindsets. We started last year with the first round of TUMI’s Remarkable Women in Transport, and since this publication has been such a great success, we are happy to introduce the second edition of TUMI’s Remarkable Women in Transport Series. From women working for civil society to international initiatives as well as in startups, at policy level, the private sector and research. We feel honored to publish these outstanding female experts who have contributed to sustainable mobility solutions – by women, for the entire society!

The Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative (TUMI) supports women in the transport sector. With Women Mobilize Women, TUMI specifically addresses the need to involve and empower female change-makers in the transport sector to change mobility systems and to cater to women’s needs. Women Mobilize Women serves as a network and information hub which strongly influences the international debate on the role and potential of women in the mobility sector.

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Um meine Projekte langfristig fortsetzen zu können, möchte ich mir ein Grundeinkommen sichern. Seit einiger Zeit habe ich ein unterstützendes Team um mich aufgebaut: Jemand kümmert sich um meine E-Mails, eine andere Person übernimmt meinen Instagram-Account, und ein weiterer Mensch mixt meinen Podcast ab. Auch mein Steuerberater und meine Rechnungsfee gehören dazu. Dieses Outsourcing entlastet mich enorm, bringt aber natürlich auch Kosten mit sich. Deshalb möchte ich im ersten Schritt diese Kosten decken und freue mich über jede Unterstützung.

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1 × wöchentlich schaue ich in den Rückspiegel: Wo stehen wir in der Mobilitätswende? Und gebe Abonnent:innen exklusive Inhalte.

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