Electric cars are not a solution.

Electric cars only solve three problems…

This blog post is the translation of a column I write in a German technology magazine on the mobility of the future. Since fossil patriarchy is currently returning everywhere, just as shaping global climate justice seems to be losing importance among progressives, I have translated it.

‘Thank you for your article.
I fully agree with your reasoning.’

A gentleman who (still) works at Volkswagen wrote to me.

‘Of course! If a car, then all-electric!

Because electric cars change three things:

  • – local CO2-freedom, if the electricity comes from renewable energy
  • – independence from the fossil fuel system at that moment
  • – Option of decentralised energy storage.

But nothing more.

Waste of resources, exploitation, land consumption, sealing, emissions such as microplastics and many other burdens remain.

The focus on decarbonising cars, which is urgently needed because they are responsible for 2/3 of the CO2 in the transport sector!!!! should not distract us from the fact that we should FINALLY guarantee mobility for everyone. Freedom is only freedom if there is freedom of choice.

And let’s be honest:

Isn’t creating participation and services of general interest also a lot more fun than building cars?

Electrifying cars that drive 45 minutes a day with 1.4 people in Germany does not provide available and comfortable alternatives that are affordable for everyone, safe and barrier-free.

An example of the systemic ‘Keep it up!’ can be found in Brandenburg in a drinking water protection area. A Tesla factory was built near Grünheide before planning permission had even been granted.

Now Tesla wants to expand this building to be able to build even more cars.

‘But that’s good!’ – echoes from many corners. After all, these cars are electrically powered and create jobs. However, these cars are also far too large for everyday use and therefore waste valuable resources that we have to import from the Global South. In the case of metals, this is now almost 100 per cent.

My wish:

Don’t call those ‘naive’ and ‘part of the fossil fuel lobby’ who address change systemically. Because the main beneficiaries of Tesla’s fossil-fuelled production are currently – you guessed it – global oil companies and not global climate justice.

We should use resources for socially relevant things. Buses and trains would be more important. The defence and devaluation of the protests in front of car factories shows that many have not yet realised that the seriousness of the situation demands humility. Our lives are not only CO2-intensive, they are also based on the exploitation of our fellow human beings and nature.

2 Antworten zu „Electric cars only solve three problems…“

  1. Avatar von Helmut Dirks
    Helmut Dirks

    Ich arbeite ebenfalls in der Automobilindustrie und schließe mich diesen Aussagen voll und ganz an.
    Gerade heute hatte ich ein Gespräch mit Kollegen in der Kantine über dieses Thema. Ich habe die Frage gestellt, wie denn Wohnen und Mobilität angesichts der derzeitigen Herausforderungen aussehen sollte, welche Strategien und Produkte hierfür wünschenswert wären und wie unsere derzeitige Produktpalette hierzu passt.
    Leider leben die Kollegen in einer Bubble in der Fahrspaß und persönliche Entfaltung und ein „Weiter so“ wichtiger ist als alles andere.
    Die Frage ist, ob sich die Automobilindustrie aus sich selber heraus ändern kann (Design) oder oder ob es zum Crash kommt (Desaster).

    1. danke, dass du so hartnäckig bist und bleibst!

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