SUVs accounted for 48% of global car sales in 2023, reaching a new record and further strengthening the defining automobile trend of the early 21st century – the shift towards ever larger and heavier cars. There are various driving forces behind this trend, from the appeal of SUVs as a status symbol and their potential enhancements in comfort, to the marketing strategies of leading automakers.
SUVs are 45% deadlier to pedestrians, study shows.
Full-Size SUVs Are Twice As Likely To Kill Pedestrians As Cars: Study
Warum werden Autos immer größer? Autohersteller verdienen mit großen Fahrzeugen das meiste Geld. Vor allem SUV sind bei vielen Menschen beliebt, andere kritisieren die XXL-Schlitten. Wieso ist der Trend zu immer wuchtigeren Autos ein Problem?
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